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What is JFreeMon?

JFreeMon is an open source resource monitoring system, which consists of a central server application that monitors various systems. These 3rd party systems act as clients by sending information in heartbeats to the JFreeMon application for further handling. The JFreeMon system is general purpose in the way that the information monitored isn't fixed - the same application can monitor client data ranging from CPU usage to warehouse logistics.

JFreeMon Server

JFreeMon Server

JFreeMon Server is a desktop application with an easy-to-use graphical interface. It is used to centrally manage client systems.
  • Set up client systems
  • Configure client alert & error levels
  • Create automated tasks for alerts & errors
  • Monitor overall system traffic
  • Create graphical reports from client data
JFreeMon Clients

JFreeMon Clients

JFreeMon Clients are 3rd party systems that send information to JFreeMon server. Clients can either use pre-built libraries for integration or manually implement the UDP based protocol.
  • Simple and efficient UDP based protocol
  • Pre-built Java desktop & mobile clients
  • Create custom clients to any environment

Windows, Mac & Unix

JFreeMon is written in standard Java, making it usable from practically any environment to which a Java Runtime Environment is available. JFreeMon is tested and optimized to run in the following enviroments.

Operating System
Windows (Windows 2000, Windows XP & Windows Vista)
Mac (Mac OS X 10.4.x)
Unix & Linux (Solaris 9 & 10, RedHat, Debian)

How it works

  1. Install the JFreeMon desktop application

  2. Configure the client systems you want to monitor

  3. Integrate the client systems with pre-built libraries

  4. Start monitoring your environment

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